Notable Women in Construction and Design

Notable Women in Construction and Design: Roberta Brehm

Roberta Brehm, president of Waukesha-based HVAC manufacturer representative Vyron Corp., joined the company in 2014 as a VRF division...

Notable Women in Construction and Design: Andrea Bukacek

In 2019, Andrea Bukacek, chief executive officer of Racine-based Bukacek Construction, bought the firm that her grandfather started. “I’ve known...

Notable Women in Construction and Design: Jody Owens

Jody Owens joined Brookfield-based Hunzinger Construction Co. just a year ago, and has 20 years of construction management experience.  Owens...

Notable Women in Construction and Design: Laura Cullen

As training and development manager for Janesville-based JP Cullen, Laura Cullen is responsible for employee training and development, recruitment...

Notable Women in Construction and Design: Kris Bilty

Kris Bilty founded Elm Grove-based Renaissance Design & Renovation in 2009 with Jody Ryg.  According to former employee April Noelle...
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Notable Women in Construction and Design: Simmi Urbanek

When Simmi Urbanek joined Milwaukee-based Greenfire Management Services as director of marketing, company leaders insisted that she be on...

Notable Women in Construction and Design: Maggie Bork

Maggie Bork, project manager at Mortenson Construction in Milwaukee, has known since high school that architecture, design and construction...

Notable Women in Construction and Design: Kathleen Kugi-Tom

In her 30 years at Marquette University, Kathleen Kugi-Tom, senior project manager for the department of facilities planning and...

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