Women In Business

New president named for Aurora Health Care

Charlotte, North Carolina-based Advocate Health announced today that effective Nov. 27, Gabrielle Finley-Hazle will be join the organization as...

SysLogic CEO helps co-found new Madison-based cybersecurity consultancy

A trio of cybersecurity and information technology professionals have come together to launch Madison-based Ghostscale, a cybersecurity consultancy.

Nominations sought for Notable Women in Hospitality feature

BizTimes Milwaukee is seeking nominations for its upcoming Notable Women in Hospitality feature. Click here to nominate someone to be featured as one...

Carmen Schools CEO to step down in January

Carmen Schools of Science and Technology, a network of public charter schools in Milwaukee serving 2,200 students, announced Wednesday...

Betty Brinn Children’s Museum names new CEO

Tina Quealy has been named the new chief executive officer of Betty Brinn Children’s Museum in Milwaukee. Quealy replaces Brian...

Nominations sought for Notable Women in Insurance feature

BizTimes Milwaukee is seeking nominations for its upcoming Notable Women in Insurance feature. Click here to nominate someone to be featured as...
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How Wisconsin companies are tackling wellness and inclusion in the workplace

To continue attracting talent in today’s labor market, local companies are realizing they need to take steps in making their workplaces more inclusive.

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