Women In Business

Cielo founder, former M&I CFO named to SHINE Technologies board

Janesville-based SHINE Technologies, a nuclear fusion technology and radioisotope production company, announced the appointment of three new board members:...

Real estate exec, former Northwestern Mutual exec added to Marquette executive-in-residence program

The Marquette University College of Business Administration’s executive-in-residence program has added former Northwestern Mutual executive Christopher Swain to the...

Coffee Break: Tina Quealy

Tina Quealy Chief executive officer Betty Brinn Children’s Museum 929 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee bbcmkids.org Industry: Education and entertainment Employees: 19 full-time, 19 part-time Quealy...

Kane Communications Group acquires Green Bay PR firm

Milwaukee-based public relations firm Kane Communications Group has inked a deal to acquire Green Bay-based Leonard & Finco Public...
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