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Badger Meter continues expansion into water quality with $44 million acquisition
Brown Deer-based Badger Meter Inc. continued its expansion into water quality offerings with the acquisition of Pennsylvania-based Analytical Technology Inc.
Former state tourism head Sara Meaney to lead marketing at Dohmen Company Foundation
Sara Meaney, who recently left her post as Wisconsin Department of Tourism secretary-designee, has taken a new position with the Dohmen Company Foundation.
M-WERC co-founder to retire
Milwaukee-based Mid-West Energy Research Consortium (M-WERC) will change key leadership positions as the organization’s co-founder and former chief executive officer, Alan Perlstein, plans to retire, the organization recently announced.
Toppers Pizza seizes pandemic environment as growth opportunity
While much of the restaurant industry continues to struggle through the pandemic's harsh business climate, at least one sector has stood to benefit from shifts in how people dine and what they expect from the experience: quick-service pizza.
Conversion of St. Joseph convent building into housing could receive city financing assistance
The conversion of a historic south side Milwaukee convent into mostly senior housing could receive $720,000 in financial assistance from the city.
MGS expands in Europe with acquisition
Germantown-based MGS Mfg. Group has expanded its operations in Europe with the acquisition of Formteknik.
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WEDC executive Mary Perry named president and CEO of WEDA
The Wisconsin Economic Development Association announced that it has named Mary Perry as its new president and chief executive officer.
Grafton contract manufacturer will move to Macromatic building in Menomonee Falls
Grafton-based contract manufacturer Axcesor Inc. is planning grow into a larger facility in Menomonee Falls after acquiring the industrial building about to be vacated by Macromatic Industrial Controls Inc.
Surfacide moves into new facility after COVID drives interest in UV technology
Surfacide LLC, a manufacturer of UV-C robot technology, has moved its operations to a new facility at W226 N918 Northmound Drive in the City of Pewaukee.
CH Coakley acquiring two industrial buildings in Milwaukee, Wauwatosa to accommodate growth
CH Coakley says it has acquired an industrial warehouse in Wauwatosa and will soon close on another in Milwaukee, both of which are needed for the company's expanding warehousing and third-party logistics services.