Real Estate

Four Milwaukee affordable housing proposals win tax credits

Four Milwaukee affordable housing projects have been awarded critical low-income housing tax credits, according to a Thursday announcement from the...

Mequon clinic building sold for $16.7 million

A 40,000-square-foot Children’s Wisconsin clinic in Mequon, has sold to a limited liability company affiliated with Nashville-based Montecito Medical...
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Mandel Group’s Wauwatosa village apartment development gains initial approval

Milwaukee-based Mandel Group received initial approvals Monday for its postponed apartment proposal at a prominent site in Wauwatosa's village...

Microsoft purchases more land in Mount Pleasant

Microsoft has purchased another 32 acres of undeveloped land in Mount Pleasant. Located at 12721 Louis Sorenson Road, the property...

First residents have moved into The Couture

The first residents have moved into The Couture, the 46-story luxury apartment tower nearing completion near the downtown Milwaukee...

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