Arts & Culture

Milwaukee Film plans in-person festival for 2022

Following two consecutive virtual festivals, Milwaukee Film intends to hold the 14th annual Milwaukee Film Festival as an in-person event next spring.

Wisconsin Center has already sold more than 47,000 tickets for upcoming Van Gogh exhibit

The Wisconsin Center is seeing strong ticket sales for its upcoming exhibit "Beyond Van Gogh: An Immersive Experience," according to the head of the organization that owns and runs the downtown Milwaukee convention space.
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As it aims for fall opening, America’s Black Holocaust Museum fills new role in the community

While America’s Black Holocaust Museum has remained closed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, national discussions around systemic racism and social justice have caused the museum to take on a new role in the community.

Fight stress with healthy habits

1. Slow down.  Plan ahead and allow enough time to getthe most important things done withouthaving to rush.  2. Snooze more. Try...

All UPAF groups plan to resume in-person performances and programming this year

After weathering a devastating 14 months, all 14 United Performing Arts Fund member groups plan to resume in-person performances and programs this year.

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