April 27, 2020

Coping with COVID-19: Businesses try to pivot during pandemic
Communication key to employee safety during pandemic
Update on the MMAC's region of choice initiative
Notable LGBTQ Executives
Nonprofit Spotlight: American Red Cross of Wisconsin
American Red Cross of WisconsinÂ
2600 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee
(800) 236-8680Â |Â redcross.org/Wisconsin
Facebook: facebook.com/wisconsinredcross  | Twitter: @RedCrossWIS
Year founded:...
Luxurious backyard remodel
There are outdoor spaces, and then there are outdoor spaces like the ones Ken DePratt and his team at...
Luxurious rec room remodel
An empty nester Glendale couple transformed their unfinished basement into a 450-square-foot upscale bourbon- and cigar-themed man cave.
The $32,000...
Luxurious bathroom remodel
A Pewaukee couple faced a challenge when it came to their master bathroom: it was plenty spacious, but oddly...
Luxurious kitchen remodel
From outdated and cluttered to mid-century modern chic, this kitchen remodel from a couple of years ago is still...
Luxury homes on the market in southeastern Wisconsin
N1860 N. Black Point Road, Town of Linn
$7.78 million
Black Point Manor is a one-of-a-kind architectural work, the history of...
Business perseverance during challenging times
Pivot and focus on what you can do, not what you can’t
Welcoming to all…not just words on paper
Since 1987, Pam Mehnert has been general manager of Milwaukee-based Outpost Natural Foods, one of the larger multi-store retail...
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COVID-19 Catch-22
Catch-22, a term that originated from the 1961 novel by Joseph Heller, refers to a dilemma from which there...
The need to engage — or reengage — white men in diversity and inclusion efforts
“My white male counterpart is extremely reserved when I attempt to collaborate with him at work – we need...
Tip sheet: Managing remote teams
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed life as we know it, including how — and where — we...