BizTimes Milwaukee

Personnel File

Accounting Kayla Krueger joined Schenck Business Solutions, Milwaukee, as an associate accountant. Krueger holds an associate's degree in accounting...

Just a Minute with Micheal J. Gamache, COO, Cornerstone Design LLC

Company address: 4145 Courtney Road, Franksville, WI 53126 Company Web site: Industry: Manufacturing Number of...

The Company Dashboard

My thanks this month to friend and colleague Dan Barnett, chief operating officer of the  TEC (The Executive Committee)...

Let Them Laugh

Years ago, I was teaching at Marshall University. I loved teaching for many reasons. One of the top reasons...

Seminars Will Help Executives Grow Their Companies

Business executives attending the Wisconsin Business & Technology Expo will be welcome to attend any of 24 seminars designed...

Pizza Chain Has Big Plans for Milwaukee Area

Unique Pizza and Subs Corp., a Pittsburgh-based retail chain, is planning to enter the Milwaukee market with a splash...
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AT&T to Launch Internet TV

As AT&T Inc. continues to grow as the largest telecommunications company in the world, it will be able to...

Verizon Wireless Banks on Mobile Solutions

Verizon Wireless, a subsidiary of New York-based Verizon Communications Inc., invested $30 million in its Wisconsin digital network in...

Call Forwarding

Telecommunication companies in Wisconsin are reinventing and reinvesting themselves for the next wave of technology that will serve both residential and business customers.

That next wave will be broadband and wireless, and it will provide users with seamless voice, data, audio and even television programming through computers.

Biznotes for 3.31.06

Roundy's Supermarkets Inc.Roundy's Foundation, chartered by Roundy's Supermarkets Inc., Milwaukee, donated $22,500 in cash and food to two agencies...

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BizTimes Milwaukee