Notable Litigators and Trial Attorneys

Notable Litigators and Trial Attorneys: Andrew Brehm

Andy Brehm, attorney with Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary P.C. in Milwaukee, represents area employers in commercial litigation,...

Notable Litigators and Trial Attorneys: Jason Abraham

Jason Abraham, managing partner at Milwaukee-based Hupy and Abraham S.C., has recovered more than $400 million for clients, with...

Notable Litigators and Trial Attorneys: Ann Jacobs

According to colleagues, Ann Jacobs, founder of Milwaukee-based Jacobs Injury Law S.C., embodies the characteristics of an excellent litigator:...
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Notable Litigators and Trial Attorneys: Jason Luczak

As a top trial and appellate attorney at Milwaukee-based Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown LLP, Jason Luczak represents clients...

Notable Litigators and Trial Attorneys: Timothy Trecek

As vice president and chief operations officer for Milwaukee-based Habush Habush & Rottier S.C., Timothy Trecek’s successes are the...

Notable Litigators and Trial Attorneys: Nicole Masnica

Nicole Masnica is a partner at Milwaukee-based Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown LLP in the criminal, white-collar and appellate...

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