Notable Heroes in Health Care

Notable Heroes in Health Care: Rachel Leahy-Hilker

Rachel Leahy-Hilker, director of clinical operations and case management for the Milwaukee Center for Independence, is a team builder...

Notable Heroes in Health Care: Dr. Rita Hanson

Rita Hanson, medical director for clinical integration at Network Health, is responsible for improving gaps in care for members...
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Notable Heroes in Health Care: Nourishing Partners Program

The Children’s Wisconsin Nourishing Partners Program was conceived in 2016, after some Children’s Wisconsin providers did a study of...

Notable Heroes in Health Care: Chorus Community Health Plans

Chorus Community Health Plans is a Children’s Wisconsin affiliated HMO (health maintenance organization) that insures more than 170,000 Wisconsin...

Notable Heroes in Health Care: Nichole Stangel

With Nichole Stangel at the helm, the Critical Incident Stress Management team at Children’s Wisconsin is trained to respond...

Notable Heroes in Health Care: Courtney Shanmugabaskaran

Receiving radiation treatments can be frightening for the children who need them. Courtney Shanmugabaskaran, a radiation therapist at Froedtert...

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