Jobs blown up

Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin (OHOW) & Midwest Orthopedic Specialty Hospital (MOSH) The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development forecasts a 13.68%...

Make your summer count!

Make money, pursue your interests & gain relevant, real-world experience. How did you spend your summer last year? Some of...

Career spotlight on youth apprenticeships

Tyler Setzke Laborer, physics student GPS Education Partners matched Tyler with a job at Menasha Corp. while he was attending...

What is supply chain management?

The supply chain is essential to manufacturing. In short, it is materials and process flow. Supply chain management focuses on...
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WhirlyBall Brookfield

Look out Brookfield, it’s time to Whirly. WhirlyBall, that is! What is WhirlyBall? It is both the name of a...

What’s cool at school?

Cool Code Real computer science Technology workers bring code to classrooms of Milwaukee The future of work depends on computers. With...

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