Downtown businesses hop onboard for streetcars
If your only source of local news and analysis was AM talk radio, you might be inclined to believe...
Declare victory already and move forward
Raising the federal debt ceiling is something that really should have been as simple and routine as it was...
The governor has a rough week
As far as accomplishing his political objectives, Gov. Scott Walker has had a sweet run of it since taking...
Janie’s got a gun, unless her employer forbids it
On July 8, 2011, Gov. Scott Walker signed into law new legislation permitting licensed individuals to carry concealed weapons....
Time has come for domestic partner benefits
We are proud to lead a broad coalition of Milwaukee County Supervisors pushing for the County to adopt a...
Legislature is once again bypassing the will of the people
Editor's note: Every 10 years, the state redraws its district boundaries. In the past, municipalities conducted open hearings to...
Some are born to serve
BizTimes recently received two more national awards for editorial excellence at the Alliance of Area Business Publications (AABP) Summer...
The EPA’s ethanol boondoggle
Congress has recognized the absurdity of subsidizing the ethanol industry, but unfortunately the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has its...
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State Republican leaders are defiling democracy
Whatever happened to government of the people, by the people, for the people? Wisconsin's proud tradition of participatory government...
Reforms will be needed to clean up Walker’s mess
Dave Zweifel wrote the other day about a friend from out of state calling him to ask what the...
Budget protects middle class and future generations
The Kaukauna School District recently announced that our reforms will allow them to add more teachers, reduce class sizes...
Just say no to the double dip
Soaring oil prices, rising commodity costs, a cold spring, chaos in the Middle East and the uncertainty about the...