Recently, I have attended a number of job networking groups in our community. At these meetings, people who are in job transition connect with others and gain insights about how to advance their “back to work” campaigns.
I was startled by how large these groups have grown. A few years ago, attendance averaged between 15 and 20 people. Today, attendance ranges between 30 and 80 people.
These are tough times. And some trends experts (Eric Sprott, Gerald Celente, Zbigniew Brzezinski) say that things may get even worse – we may see bank holidays, civil unrest, hyperinflation and a new currency.
Amidst it all I have to wonder – why is this happening? Is there some underlying purpose? What good, if any, can come of this?
I don’t have the credentials or pedigree to credibly answer any of these questions. However, while taking a walk recently, the statement…a return to grace…appeared like a marquee before my eyes. I pondered that statement for most of the day. What does it mean to “return to grace?”
Overnight, dream images ran like a ticker tape through my mind. At first I saw a large snake shedding its outer skin. Then, I was jettisoned to Egypt. I find myself standing in front of the entrance to Karnac, the supreme holy temple. Some believe that the sections of the temple represent different aspects of the human body – the feet, the knees, the hips, the belly, the heart and lungs, the throat and the inner eye. And that every wall, column, statue and marking is purposely and precisely positioned to help facilitate a deeper connection to divine wisdom. As I walked through the temple, I am struck by the number of snakes engraved on the walls and columns. It was then that I remembered that, symbolically, the snake represents transformation.
The following morning, I am filled with even more questions: Could the hardship that so many people face today be a call to deepen our spiritual connection to ourselves and to one another? In my dream, could the snake that was shedding its outer skin represent the transformation from a materialistic dependency that no longer serves us to a deeper, richer connection to our human essence? Could this be what is meant by a “return to grace?”
I believe that everything happens for a reason even though the reason(s) may not be apparent in the moment. That takes me back to my initial question, “Why is this happening?”
Could it be that we’re being called upon to alter our definition of success?
Could it be that we’re being called upon to reconnect to our deeper self?
Could it be that we’re being called upon to reestablish our community connection, and become neighbors again – people who watch out for and take care of one another?
Earlier this year I attended a retreat facilitated by author Marianne Williamson. At one point during the three-day event, she said to us, “The best analogy I can use to describe what’s happening in the U.S. is the story about the U.S. Airways jetliner that landed in the Potomac River.” She continued, “We have a brilliant pilot who’s in command and we’re going down. You are going to be scared…you are going to get wet … but you are going to be OK.”
I am not a mystic, spiritual leader or futurist. I am a U.S. citizen who has a deep concern for our community and the people who live here. If these trend experts are even remotely correct, then we can expect more challenging times ahead. In his book, “How to Identify, Master and Conquer Change,” my friend Robert Ian wrote, “The secret to conquering change is being prepared for it.” And if charity truly begins at home, I am compelled to ask myself, “How can I make a difference?”
The answer came a few weeks ago in the form of a new community service that I’ve just launched called Each week, I facilitate free tele-seminars to respond to the most pressing questions that have been presented to me by those who are in job transition. My intent is to help them get unstuck and on purpose.
But I am only one person, and our community is in need. Is there something you can do to help? Do you have an occasional hour or two to engage in a mock interview? To review a resume? To help someone map out a job search strategy? If so, please log on to, click on Support Center site and let me know the service(s) that you are willing to offer. In the near future, you will be connected to someone who can benefit from your generosity.
I am a firm believer in the power of the collective human spirit, and I trust that while these may be difficult times, we are up to the challenge and together we will make a difference.