Former Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Success demands singleness of purpose.”
As a fan of Lombardi, Randy Peters, president and chief executive officer of La Crosse Litho Supply LLC, has adopted the legend’s uncompromising but compassionate leadership style.
“People fully understand as they enter La Crosse Litho Supply that there is one vision and one vision only on how we take care of our customers,” he said. “And that is with the utmost customer service and support. We do not let anything get in the way of that.”
Since he bought La Crosse Litho Supply in 1999, Peters has raised the company’s revenue from $2 million to $33 million in 2007.
“I am not the kind of owner that is in my office all the time,” he said. “I’d rather spend 80 percent of my life out in the field with my sales force.”
According to Beth Roncke, marketing manager at La Crosse Litho Supply, Peters’ spirit and willingness to roll up his sleeves have been the company’s true catalysts for success.
“He’s just tenacious,” said Roncke, who nominated Peters for a Bravo! Entrepreneur Award. “He wants to be the best in everything, and he wants to bring our customers the best of everything. His philosophy trickles down into everything else that the company does. He definitely is the driving force behind everything.”
Along with donating time and money to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee and the 4-H Club, Peters has a special way of giving back to the community. Every Christmas, he finds a less-fortunate family and buys them $2,000 worth of gifts, which are then delivered by an employee.
The one caveat: The children must believe in Santa Claus.
“Those kids should not go without,” Peters said.
Address: N53W24615 South Corporate Circle, Sussex
Web Site:
Industry: Commercial printing
Revenues: $33 million in 2007
Employees: 54