Stop here for links to health care industry news from around the country.
The Hill: ‘O-Care premiums to skyrocket’
HHS: ‘Marketplace Enrollment Hits 5 Million Milestone’
Kaiser Family Foundation: ‘Sizing Up Exchange Market Competition’
New York Times (interactive): ‘Health Exchange Enrollment Remains at 75 Percent of Target’
Inc.: ‘Obamacare Could Lead to 25,000 New Businesses a Year’
Vox (video): ‘Obamacare’s individual mandate in two minutes’
NPR: ‘Doctors Say Obamacare Rule Will Stick Them With Unpaid Bills’
Bloomberg: ‘Obamacare Co-Ops Defy Forecasts to Win Market Share’
The Atlantic: ‘The Satisfied Unsubsidized: Obamacare’s Hidden Winners’
Kaiser Health News: ‘Some Young People Won’t Get Tax Help for Obamacare Insurance’