Internet terms

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Re-spider – Registering your Website with various search engines to get your address to the top of the listing. When people search for information for services like those you offer, you want your name to be among the first they see.
Search engine – Databases on the Internet such as Alta Vista, Yahoo! and Infoseek, that call up Web addresses that match the criteria of the user’s word search.
Hyperlinks – A Website can actually contain multiple pages. Hyperlinks connect all the pages of a Website to the home page and to each other.
Home page -The first page that comes up when someone brings up your Website.
Browser – A software package that allows you to navigate the Web (Netscape and Microsoft Explorer are the two dominant browsers).
Reciprocal Links – A link on your site to a complementary business and a link on their site back to your site
HTML – HyperText Markup Language. The method is used to create Web pages so that they can be viewed.
URL – Uniform Resource Locator. Identifies your address or location on the Web.
WWW – World Wide Web.
ISP – Internet Service Provider. Companies that provide e-mail services and connection to the Web and the Internet
Domain name – Part of your Website address ( A specialized domain name is not necessary for the operation of your Web page, but most companies desire the prestige of having their own.

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