
Minority Businesses Succeed in Wisconsin

Fusion Integrated Solutions Draws Upon State REsources to Expand Services
Fusion Integrated Solutions, LLC, based in Milwaukee, is an engineering consulting and design firm that designs automation components and production processes for manufacturing operations, energy generation plants, airports, correction facilities, universities and water treatment plants. CEO Seaphes Miller started the company in 2004 in Ohio and moved it to Wisconsin in 2006 when merging it with a family member's information technology firm because of the open business environment here. Today, the firm has 75 employees in four offices: two in Wisconsin
and one each in Illinois and Ohio.

Minority Businesses Succeed in Wisconsin

Fusion Integrated Solutions Draws Upon State Resources to Expand Services
Fusion Integrated Solutions, LLC, based in Milwaukee, is an engineering consulting and design firm that designs automation components and production processes for manufacturing operations, energy generation plants, airports, correction facilities, universities and water treatment plants. CEO Seaphes Miller started the company in 2004 in Ohio and moved it to Wisconsin in 2006 when merging it with a family member's information technology firm because of the open business environment here. Today, the firm has 75 employees in four offices: two in Wisconsin and one each in Illinois and Ohio. Fusion primarily works with its clients and original equipment manufacturers to integrate machines and control systems for use in specific production and packaging settings, specializing in the paper and pulp products industry but also in the energy generation, utilities and food and beverage sectors. While Fusion primarily develops and modifies automation processes using original components, the firm occasionally designs and builds customized equipment if an off-the-shelf option is not available.

Want to create new businesses? Encourage new ideas.

It probably won’t surprise you that Wisconsin trails most other states across the nation in business
startup activity. According to the Kauffman Foundation, which studies and promotes entrepreneurship, Wisconsin ranked #40 in 2011.

Want to create new businesses? Encourage new ideas.

It probably won’t surprise you that Wisconsin trails most other states across the nation in business startup activity. According to the Kauffman Foundation, which studies and promotes entrepreneurship, Wisconsin ranked #40 in 2011.

Creating a multiplier effect

One of the challenges businesses face when seeking business development assistance is that they often don't know what resources...

Creating a multiplier effect

How economic development partnerships create new opportunities for Wisconsin businesses
One of the challenges businesses face when seeking business development assistance is that they often don't know what resources are available outside of traditional financing or consulting services they may receive from their lenders, accountants or law firms. They may also view state or other public assistance as ineffective or coming with too many strings attached. However, once businesses realize the many forms and sources of
financial and technical assistance available, a whole new world of opportunity opens up.
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Wisconsin’s Pro-Business Policy Evolution

Wisconsin’s long-held reputation as a state that is unfriendly to business is changing—and for good reason. Our state is one of only a few nationally with a balanced budget, and we are taking decisive steps to ensure Wisconsin remains a national leader in worker productivity, even as our economy evolves. Meanwhile, we’ve adopted pro-business policies designed to create a world-class business climate that encourages business startup, growth and attraction.

Knowledge Powers Wisconsin communities

Communities across Wisconsin share common challenges, working to boost business growth, protect environmental resources, promote public health, and sustain a high quality of life. These communities also share an invaluable resource – the University of Wisconsin System.

Disaster Recovery Plans: A Must-Have for every Business in Today’s World

There's no question that there's been a notable push for economic development in Wisconsin. The state wants businesses to not only survive, but thrive. With growth comes success, but also greater risks. After all, the more companies have, the more they must protect. Surprisingly, 50 percent of small to medium-market businesses are still lacking the vital data protection of a formal disaster recovery plan.

Knowledge Powers Wisconsin business

Educating people for career success is a vital part of UW System’s mission. Our colleges, universities, and extension networks are also working to create stronger businesses – and new jobs – to employ those UW graduates.

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