Guertin on sales – When reason doesn’t prevail
Emotions are often basis of purchase decisions Ask a car dealer, and many will tell you that their customers...
Plan ahead when switching computers
Anticipate problems when switching computers When I was a kid, my dad purchased a new car every two years,...
When a kid gets cancer
Communication helps balance employee's and company's needs It was noon on a work day when my 12-year-old son's doctor...
What group from the US has a unique set of problems in Asia? The answer may surprise you
The women in my cross-cultural workshops always ask, "What kinds of problems will I have as an American woman...
Undoing the Bockl debacle
Nancy Bush's personal attention revives office tower It won't be a difficult job," real-estate developer/broker George Bockl assured...
Protecting the bottom line – internal financial controls
Are your internal controls out of control? by michaeleen hinca As a business grows, so does its need to...
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Stapleton on sales – Creating consistency
Seven strategies to enhance your sales force In an earlier edition, I wrote about how fundamental changes in corporate...
Engineering a Corporate Turnaround
In today's global marketplace, strategic decisions about outsourcing, marketing and new product innovation can make or break a small...
Commercial real estate sales
James T. Barry Co. Acuity purchased a 35,428-square-foot industrial facility at 350 Progress Dr., Saukville. A&K Properties...
Construction projects
Total Team Construction of Brookfield has been awarded several contracts to provide construction management services for tenant finish work...