
Popularity of high school athletics spurs online businesses

Nearly 100,000 students in Wisconsin high schools are members of an athletic team. Those students have a fan base...

Companies find new efficiencies through intranets

Companies with multiple office locations or with staff that regularly work in the field often face significant communications challenges....

Data security becomes more affordable

Security for data – whether it be e-mail archives, projects under development or even access to an employee workstation...

Are you your IT department’s worst nightmare?

Company policies on using hardware, software and the Internet are becoming increasingly strict as employers attempt to protect confidential...

Prodesse develops test for respiratory illness

Prodesse Inc., a Waukesha-based biotechnology company, started clinical trials earlier this month for Pro hMPV+, a diagnostic test that...

Eagle Technology updates software for building systems

Mequon-based Eagle Technology Inc., which developed the ProTeus V software system, recently released the latest version, ProTeus V 9.6.4....
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Fontarome plans to ‘separate from the pack’

Fontarome Chemical Inc., a St. Francis-based maker of flavoring, fragrance and key pharmaceutical ingredients sold around the world, will...

Technology Spotlight: Arc of the diver

Imagine trying to search the Internet without the luxury of a search engine. Google, Alta Vista, Yahoo!, Windows Live,...

M&A robust for tech sector

Merger and acquisition activity within the technologies service sector is robust, with strategicbuyers targeting companies that provide help desk,...

Corporate venturing

Most companies use innovation to create a new product offering, solve an internal operations problem or improve value delivered...

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