Real Estate
In addition to these stories, check out our real estate data tool for agricultural, commercial, manufacturing, and multi-family real estate transactions over the past 30 days.
Real estate resources
Building Owners and Managers Association Certified Commercial Investment Members ...
Real estate events
The Real Estate Alliance for Charity (REACH) will host the Fifth Annual Charity Kickball & Softball Tournament on Thursday,...
Real estate odds and ends
Milwaukee-based Zizzo Group Advertising and Public Relations announced that it was selected recently by the cities of Franklin and...
Real estate people in the news
Brookfield-based Shorewest Realtors recently hired Shannon Block as a sales associate in its Northshore office in Shorewood, Steve Schindler...
Real estate deal of the week
Sydney Menomonee Falls LLC, a Chicago-based investment group, recently purchased the Park View Business Center.
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List your best properties in the SBT Honor Roll
Commercial real estate owners, developers and brokers are invited to submit their best properties for consideration in a free listing for the annual Small Business Times Honor Roll of Prime Leasable Commercial Real Estate.
Mitchell Street TIF district approved
The Milwaukee Common Council on Tuesday approved a TIF district to boost revitalization along West Mitchell Street.
Mandel donation will help transform ACRE program
A gift of $105,000 from Barry Mandel, president of Mandel Group Inc., will fund Marquette University's Associates in Commercial Real Estate (ACRE) program for the next three years.
Germantown dining institution sold
Lohmann's Steak House, a 60-year-old family-owned restaurant at W183 N9609 Appleton Ave. in Germantown, was sold recently.