Smart public relations is good business
In my previous column, we examined some contemporary examples of terrible public relations. This week, we're going to tip...
Wisconsin’s Tax Freedom Day finally comes
We've heard it at the federal level, but it is also true in our state: the problem is not...
Walker denies financial martial law’ report
Gov. Scott Walker today said an Internet report suggesting he is preparing a plan to impose a "financial martial...
Job readiness will be key to Wisconsin’s future
As someone who oversees a school of more than 400 children from 18 months through eighth grade, I know...
In Wisconsin, we are doing something truly progressive’
The following is the written testimony of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker for the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on...
Real reforms of entitlements will be needed
Editor's note: U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued the following response to President Barack...
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Treat yourself to some quality time for reflection
One of the fallouts from the Great Recession is that most companies are forced to do more with less....
Update Wisconsin’s telecom law
We have experienced some of the worst economic conditions, many feel, since the great depression and Wisconsin needs to...
America should pursue the ‘Path to Prosperity’
Editor's note: U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Janesville), chairman of the House Budget Committee, delivered the Weekly Republican Address Saturday,...
Benchmarks for corporate wellness
Worksite wellness continues to be a growing trend among employers in the Milwaukee area and all around Wisconsin. Milwaukee...