
Effective economic policies cannot be reduced to simple soundbytes

Which candidates have our economy's best interest in mind? Remember decades ago, when we expected Japan to outpace the...

Vote yes to prohibit transportation fund raids

On Nov. 2, voters in 53 counties can send a message to Madison: stop raiding the state transportation fund...

Vote yes to prohibit transportation fund raids

On Nov. 2, voters in 53 counties can send a message to Madison: stop raiding the state transportation fund...

Campaign donors hedge bets in governor’s race

I can think of only three motivations for donating to a political candidate's campaign: (1) You believe strongly in...

IQ Corridor needs more investors

A few years back, I came up with the name "I-Q Corridor" to describe the 400 miles or so...

Drain the red ink from the swamp

Editor's note: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) is scheduled to deliver the keynote address Thursday at this year's Oregon Business...
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The specialists

In my previous column, we got inside the heads of the entrepreneurial generalists. Now, let's find out what makes the specialists tick.

Boulders, rocks and pebbles

Question: We are in the middle of a reorganizing effort. As the VP of human resources, I'm very involved...

The gender gap is still too wide

Women. Women in board rooms. Women in C suites. Women in public office. Women as partners in law firms. Women as university presidents. Women as officers in the military. Women ministers, priests and rabbis …

County budget needs immediate repairs

Every local government in Wisconsin is forced to make difficult budget decisions this time of year.  While recent debate...

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