
Demographic shifts

In a 1960s anti-war song the lyrics stated, “Where have all the flowers gone?” Today we sing “Where have all the Twinkies gone?”

Unintended consequences

The last thing every salesperson wants is to be like other salespeople. Can you name another profession where there is such a strong distaste for being like all of the others in the profession?

Targeted ads can work with a game plan

Aside from managing their brand through official pages and groups on social media networks, businesses also have the option to run targeted advertisements on these websites based on the pay-per-click (PPC) model.

Digital marketing presents new challenges

If you thought that the move from the Industrial Era to the Digital Era was the last major economic...

Credibility is earned: ‘Do what you say you will do’

Credibility is the currency most people want. Like dollars in the bank, credibility can be spent in the company store. When you need to get buy-in on a new idea, others are more willing to get behind it. When a new position is available, your name can be advanced as a candidate others can safely support. If you disagree with a decision made by senior management, they are more willing to listen to your argument.

Build editorial value internally and externally

Blogging is a powerful tool. But taking the time to plan how you'll develop content and aligning it with your company's brand and goals – both externally for your customers and internally for your employees – makes it even more powerful. It's an approach that will help elevate your brand from an idea to an asset.
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How strong is your brand? You need a clear and compelling message

Describe the relationship your company has with your customers. Does this align with how your customers describe the relationship...

The qualifying conversation – Why it’s the most difficult sales talk of all

Qualifying! It's probably the most under-valued and under-performed activity in sales. If almost any sales organization were to double its effectiveness at qualifying – which is painfully easy to achieve – it would deliver at least 10 percent to its bottom line overnight.

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