Fewer MMAC economic indicators posted gains in 2015
In November, 12 of 22 available indicators pointed upward.
Fewer MMAC economic indicators show gains
The number of monthly economic indicators posting gains in September in the latest MMAC economic report dipped to 13 out of 23, down from 14 in August.
U.S. GDP rises by only 1.5 percent in Q3
Real gross domestic product in the U.S. rose 1.5 percent during the third quarter of the year, according to a report today from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Most Waukesha County businesses plan to expand
Most Waukesha County businesses that participated in the Waukesha County Business Survey say they plan to expand during the next three years by hiring new employees or by expanding their physical facility.
WEDC report says agency awarded $245 million during last fiscal year
The Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. awarded more than $245 million in bonds, grants, investor credits, loans and tax credits in the 2015 fiscal year.
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Most MMAC economic indicators pointed upward in July
Most of the economic indicators tracked by the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce improved in July over year-ago levels, according to the latest regional monthly economic report from the MMAC.
Midwest economic growth sluggish in July
Economic growth slowed in the Midwest in July, according to the latest Midwest Economic Index.
Workforce developers: Area businesses step up to improve education system
Gus Ramirez embarked on one of the most ambitious projects of his philanthropic career earlier this year when he pledged to make a $60 million investment in improving education in Milwaukee with the development of a new K-12 school on the city's south side.
Concerned about the future workforce of his company, Waukesha-based HUSCO International Inc., and fed up with the performance of Milwaukee Public Schools, Ramirez made a bold proposal to play a more direct role in improving education in Milwaukee.
His proposed school, Augustine Prep, has garnered as much criticism from public school advocates, teachers' unions and charter school competitors as it has support from those who understand his vision. Much of the criticism stems from competition among schools to draw students and, with them, public funds.
“I believe this is something God wants to happen and He's given me enough nudges, opened up enough doors, created enough options for us to be successful that I think He's had a hand in this process,” said Ramirez, who serves as executive chairman of HUSCO. “If I didn't feel that, we wouldn't be doing it.”
Concerned about the future workforce of his company, Waukesha-based HUSCO International Inc., and fed up with the performance of Milwaukee Public Schools, Ramirez made a bold proposal to play a more direct role in improving education in Milwaukee.
His proposed school, Augustine Prep, has garnered as much criticism from public school advocates, teachers' unions and charter school competitors as it has support from those who understand his vision. Much of the criticism stems from competition among schools to draw students and, with them, public funds.
“I believe this is something God wants to happen and He's given me enough nudges, opened up enough doors, created enough options for us to be successful that I think He's had a hand in this process,” said Ramirez, who serves as executive chairman of HUSCO. “If I didn't feel that, we wouldn't be doing it.”
Metro Milwaukee economic indicators improved in June
Sixteen of 23 metro area business activity indicators improved in June, down from 17 in May, according to the latest monthly economic trends report from the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce.