Marquette University Dean offers tips for college success in new book

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Former associate dean for Student Academic Development at Marquette University, Bob Neuman, Phd recently wrote a book entitled "Are you Really Ready for College? A college Dean’s 12 secrets for Success- what high school students don’t know."
“My experience demonstrated that even those students with the best grades in high school often struggle in college because they aren’t prepared with the management and life skills necessary to juggle the greater demands of higher education,” said Neuman. Those high school students who say “my grades are good so I’ll make it,” quickly learn that college isn’t just about GPAs and ACT/SAT scores.”
In the book, Neuman shares with high school students 12 key strategies that will help them become better organized and avoid common ‘college student’ mistakes.  It’s a systematic approach that students should practice and incorporate into their high school years to strengthen their abilities. The book goes beyond micro skills like outlining and memorization tricks to help students learn how to be productive, take initiative, use resources, manage themselves and their time, realistically assess progress, read warning signs, adjust to change, set and reach goals, and mark off academic milestones, he said.
Are You Really Ready for College? A College Dean’s 12 Secrets for Success – what high school students don’t know retails for $21.99 and is now available at    It is a useful resource not just for students but for their support system including parents, high school counselors, teachers and other education advisers. 

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