October 12, 2020

On the move: Big projects to improve Milwaukee-area logistics
The Interview with Acuity CEO Ben Salzmann
Pandemic drives busy summer for luxury home sales
Notable Women in Manufacturing
Financial wellness for employees to maximize productivity, minimize financial stress
People don’t forget their money worries just because they’re on the clock. The financial stress your employees bring to...
Three Key Questions During Covid-19
After more than six months dealing with the COViD-19, we seem to have an endless supply of questions. During...
My take: Supreme Court vacancy
President Donald Trump nominated U.S. Court of Appeals judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated...
The franchisee: Holly Miller
The Franchise: Boise, Idaho-based LunchboxWax Holdings LLC is a full-service speed-waxing salon that was founded in 2010 by chief...
From concept to completion: Light the Hoan
On Oct. 22, a coalition of local business and civic leaders will officially flip the switch to illuminate the...
Jump start: Milwaukee startup connects tech freelancers to employers
Milwaukee-based startup Talimer has launched a digital marketplace to connect freelance tech professionals with jobs at a time when...
Three opportunities created by COVID-19 for manufacturers
Manufacturers saw their share of challenges from the coronavirus pandemic. From new health concerns to demand changes to scrambled...
Automation is growing amid COVID-19, but not necessarily because of it
Automation and robotics have been a growing part of the manufacturing sector for years and it would only seem...
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On the move: Big projects to improve Milwaukee-area logistics
Service-providing industries make up a growing part of the Wisconsin economy. In 1999, those sectors accounted for around 58%...
Fresh digs: Badger Mutual Insurance Co.
When Milwaukee-based Badger Mutual Insurance Co. moved from the city’s south side to its new headquarters in The Brewery...
Amazon expands its presence in southeastern Wisconsin
Annual revenues of more than $280 billion make clear that Amazon is an e-commerce giant, but it’s the online...
Port Milwaukee making progress despite challenging year
When it comes to exporting grain, the container shipping business of The DeLong Co. Inc. is well positioned to...