Employ Milwaukee, Milwaukee County’s workforce development board, has received a $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s YouthBuild program.
This funding will support the Cream City YouthBuild program and help expand apprenticeship programs. Specifically, the funding will help provide occupational training, paid work experience and job placement, according to the news release. Construction and health care programs will be supported through the DOL grant.
The funding will also help to provide leadership development opportunities, community service opportunities, as well as one to two sites of low-income housing for building or rehabilitation, according to the news release.

“Funding will allow us to serve opportunity youth ages 16-24 in our community, who have been unsuccessful in traditional educational settings, by helping them to earn their high school diploma while receiving occupational skills training and industry-recognized credentials,” Employ Milwaukee interim chief executive officer Julie Cayo said. “This work-based learning program is delivered by our valued community partners Milwaukee Christian Center, Literacy Services of Wisconsin and United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee.”