Location: 16915 W. Victor Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151
Web site: www.cjassociatesinc.com
Year founded: 1984
Product or service offered: Interior design and office furniture
Projected 2007 revenue: $12.5 million
Leadership team: Kim Hastings, president; Judy Rudy, vice president; Pete Sotiros, sales manager, furniture division; Gary Gapinski, sales manager, ICR Division; Mary Wild, business systems manager; and Brian Augur, facilities and installation manager.
Target clientele: Commercial, professional, government, education and health care facilities.
Business organization memberships: MMAC; IFMA; New Berlin Chamber of Commerce; Waukesha Chamber of Commerce; BOMA; and NAWBO.
What has fueled your company’s growth? Increasing opportunities from start-up businesses, expanding health care facilities, a mature sales force, and a superior and loyal support staff!
What is the biggest obstacle to your company’s growth? Escalating health care costs, identifying qualified candidates for various job and career opportunities.
Do you plan any changes in your company in the upcoming months? Increase sales staff, upgrade computer system.
Who are the business people, locally or nationally, whom you admire? And what traits do those people exhibit that make you admire them? Scott Walker, Milwaukee County executive. He delivers what he promises. Brian Williams, NBC News Correspondent. He is a clear-cut communicator.
What is the outlook for the business conditions of your industry over the next several months? Very positive.
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Congratulations from these strategic partners:
Brian Krimpelbein, 262-782-3940, www.hni.com
414-271-1786, www.associatedbank.com