Chris Olson
T-Lon Products, Inc.
What does your daily or weekly fitness regimen consist of?
Working out 3-4x weekly is just part of my mindset. I have at various times in my adult life been heavy into basketball, racquetball, tennis, volleyball and triathloning. Presently I am playing some basketball while training for the summer triathlon/biathlon season. This time of the year, my training takes place mostly over the lunch hour supplemented with evening sessions on my bike trainer.
What fitness clubs do you belong to, if any?
I have been a member of Lake Country Athletic Club for 26 years.
Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life?
I can still physically do things that some people my age have already had to give up. I want to be as physically capable as I can be as long as I possibly can! I enjoy the feeling of being energetic and alert rather than being inactive and lethargic. Clothing fits better!
How does personal fitness affect your work life?
Since I mostly work out during the noon hour, I tend to return to work in the early afternoon with renewed vigor ready to charge ahead.
Do you have a corporate health or wellness initiative?
What health/wellness organizations do you contract with, if any?
I have long utilized methods learned through my association with TEC. Also, plan on bringing in ProHealth or Aurora to propose a formal plan.
How does fitness or wellness affect your overall organization?
The hope is that fitness/wellness initiatives increase productivity while reducing cost, whether it’s personal or corporate!
What advice do you have for other executives interested in starting either a personal fitness plan or corporate wellness initiative?
Getting started is the is the most difficult part of the task. Stick it in your personal/business plan and make yourself accountable.