Personnel file
Attorney Phillip R. Maples has been elected a shareholder in the law firm of Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek in Milwaukee....
Southeastern Wisconsin MBA Programs Full-time MBA Location: Milwaukee/Brookfield, Kenosha/Racine, Manitowoc/Sheboygan/Lake Geneva, Green Bay/Appleton Focus: General management, health care Program length: 2.5...
SBA loans
All for Paws and Watertown Can, 740 N. Cburch St., Watertown 53098, $55,000, Ixonia State Bank; Amerihost Inn &...
Who’s on first?
Figuring out where to start as you migrate from a "tell mode" to a "seek mode" in sales...
MEDC loans
A $170,000 loan from the Milwaukee Economic Development Commission will help a grocery store maintain operations at a Fond...
Joppe Logistics, LLC, a new distribution company, has leased 137,500 square feet of the former Briggs & Stratton facility...
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How’s your Web site doing?
With the right development, sites can help the bottom line
One of the more common questions heard around the water...
E-commerce advice, Value Computer
1 Develop a complete Web marketing plan. Your online audience may be different from other audiences to which...
Tracking incoming e-mails
Marketing program tracks e-mail responses Steve Culver knows where you're coming from. Literally. Culver, president of Computer 911 in...
Beat the Y2k clock
According to projections by the Gartner Group Inc., more than half of all companies worldwide won't be prepared for...