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Brookfield senior apartment complex sold for $7.1 million
The Capitol Hill Senior Apartments in Brookfield have been sold to an Indianapolis investor for $7.1 million, according to state records.
Private equity firm invests in Wisconsin Pharmacal Company
New York-based venture capital and private equity firm Gardner Standard invested in Wisconsin Pharmacal Company and its wholly owned subsidiary Lake Consumer Products, Inc.
Harken acquires Dutch distributor
Pewaukee-based Harken Inc. has acquired its longtime Dutch distributor On Deck B.V., giving the company a total of eight foreign subsidiaries focused on distribution and customer service.
Bucks unveil plans for hotel near Fiserv Forum
The Miami Heat may have thrown cold water on the Milwaukee Bucks' 2020 season, knocking the Bucks out of the playoffs last night, but development of the Deer District around Fiserv Forum remains hot.
BMO Tower tenants operating in new digs with reduced employee numbers
The anchor tenants of the new BMO Tower office building in downtown Milwaukee are using their space with reduced employee counts as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
Ownership group led by former Packer takes over Firehouse Subs in Menomonee Falls
The Firehouse Subs location in Menomonee Falls will reopen next week with new owners, including a former member of the Green Bay Packers and the University of Wisconsin football team.
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Associated Bank to close 14 branches in Wisconsin
Green Bay-based Associated Bank announced today that it plans to close 14 of its branches in Wisconsin, including 5 locations in southeastern Wisconsin.
Wells Building in downtown Milwaukee sold for $7.25 million
The Wells Building in downtown Milwaukee has been sold to a New Jersey firm for $7.25 million, according to state records.
Fein Bros. to move showroom to new location on King Drive
Milwaukee-based foodservice equipment and supply dealer Fein Bros. is moving its showroom on King Drive two doors down, from 2007 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to 2025 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.
Luther Group acquires four New Berlin industrial buildings for $16 million
Elm Grove-based real estate firm Luther Group LLC has acquired four light industrial and flex buildings in New Berlin for a total of $16 million.