
More mobile options for business

During the last year, mobile technology has expanded business capabilities to unprecedented levels. Now, two new mobile applications are giving users the ability to make calls and conduct business outside of their traditional mobile plans for free or for a fraction of the cost.

Supreme Court to decide fate of software patents

Wisconsin has always been a hotbed of innovation and entrepreneurship, of using new technology to make useful things for...

‘Leave your inner geek at the door’

Many technical people are highly talented in their field, but lack the skills necessary to communicate effectively in the...

He makes an ‘app’ for that

If you have ever been in a foreign country and needed to find a restroom or a bus...

Wisconsin Tech Council calls for improved STEM education

To counter Wisconsin's shortage of workers in science, technology, engineering and math fields (STEM), the Wisconsin Technology Council...

“We’re going to grow”

Nearly 30 years ago when he worked as a high school-age bagger at a Sentry Foods store in...
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Despite recession, Centare Group expands

While many other companies are just trying to ride out the economic storm, Brookfield-based Centare Group's revenue has...

Cloud computing model developed at Medical College enhances protein research

Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) in Wauwatosa have developed a cloud computing model that makes...

Tech business incubator thrives

Despite the nation's economic turmoil, many of the businesses in the Milwaukee County Research Park's Technology Innovation Center continue...

A piece of history

Glendale-based AB Data Ltd. played a crucial role in Barack Obama's historic election as the next president of...

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