Real estate odds and ends
Oconomowoc-based Kerzner Remodeling and Construction was recently named the contractor of the year in the "media rooms under...
Real estate people in the news
Milwaukee-based Wispark LLC recently promoted Jamie Jacobs to director of marketing and development associate. Milwaukee-based CG...
Real estate deals of the week
A North Carolina company recently purchased a downtown Milwaukee office building. The First Financial Centre, a 15-story office...
Falk switches to Prudential
The Katie Falk Team, a Whitefish Bay-based, high-end residential real estate company, recently shifted its affiliation from Realty Executives to Prudential Real Estate.
Spending too much?
A recent survey by Brookfield-based International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists (ISCEBS) shows that 41 percent of employers...
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Soft P&C market
Increased competition by property and casualty insurers for the small to medium-sized business (SMB) market is leading to lower...
Plumber reduces workers’ comp costs
In 2006, a Milwaukee-based plumbing company was able to reduce its workers' compensation insurance rate by 13 percent, even...
Enhancing wellness programs
The YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee and Sheboygan-based Health Solutions Ltd. have partnered to provide a greater value to YMCA...
NFIB News Tip: How to Avoid an Audit
Of the more than 100 million tax returns submitted to the IRS each year, fewer than 2 million are...