
Businesses finally weighing in on new hospital plan

Some segments of the Waukesha County business community are beginning to speak out against Aurora Health Care's plans to...

Village of Jackson plans to create its own fiber optic utility

Village of Jackson officials are planning to establish a fiber optic utility in hopes of attracting high tech businesses...

The franchisee

Expetec, a South Dakota-based company that provides information technology services for small and medium-sized businesses, has opened a Milwaukee-area...

Phones of the future

Businesses can now take advantage of a phone system that combines the Internet and standard phone service to accommodate...

Corporate wellness

I have just completed close to 400 individual health counseling sessions in follow-up to Health Risk Appraisals at three...

New law provides opportunities for new venture capital investment in Wisconsin

On April 15, Gov. Jim Doyle signed into law Wisconsin Act 255, which provides investment incentives and assistance to...
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Early IRA withdrawals

The individual retirement account (IRA) frequently forms an important part of the retirement income strategy of a working person....

Viewpoint: Waukesha County needs another hospital

As a family practice physician, I see a wide range of patients from all walks of life. I am...

Who do you trust?

Who do you trust when it comes to managing and investing your money? "Who do you trust?" (the title...

Women face obstacles to stable retirement

Women who return to the workforce after raising children often discover they have lost precious time for contributing to...

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