Health Care
Alpha Source adapts to change
One of the keys to managing a business is adapting to industry shifts by changing gears and finding new...
An employee is considered full-time in the Affordable Care Act if he or she works 30 or more hours per week.
Last call for nominations for Health Care Heroes
Today is the final day for nominations for the BizTimes Health Care Heroes Awards.
Kohl’s Cares and Susan G. Komen for the Cure advocate breast health
Kohl’s Cares in partnership with the Southeast Wisconsin branch of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is building on breast cancer awareness with its third annual campaign, “Kohl’s Conversations for the Cure.”
BizTimes Around Town: 2012 BizTimes Fittest Execs Program & Awards
The 2012 Fittest Execs program was a wild success! Thank you to all of this year’s participants for accepting...
Prepare to ‘Pay or Play’ with Affordable Care Act
The health care reform law created a new "Pay or Play Rule," which employers must address. The Pay or Play Rule generally requires that "large" employers (i.e., those with 50 or more full-time or full-time equivalent employees) offer health plan coverage to full-time employees or potentially pay a penalty to the federal government.
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BizTimes accepts nominations for Health Care Heroes
BizTimes Media is accepting nominations for its annual Health Care Heroes Awards, which honor people in southeastern Wisconsin who are making a difference on the front lines of health care.
Acquisition of APS Healthcare results in layoffs
APS Healthcare announced it will lay off 133 employees in Brookfield as a result of the acquisition of the company by Universal American Corp.
UnitedHealth Group to acquire Brazilian insurer
UnitedHealth Group Inc. announced today it is buying most of Brazilian insurer and hospital operator Amil Participacoes SA for $4.9 billion.
Health Care Heroes nominations open
BizTimes Media is accepting nominations for its annual Health Care Heroes Awards, which honor people in southeastern Wisconsin who are making a difference on the front lines of health care.