Health Care
Alliant Physical Therapy opens central city clinics
Alliant Physical Therapy Group announced today its continued expansion into the central city of Milwaukee with the addition of two new clinics to serve a historically underserved market.
Women less likely to plan for long-term care
A recent study spearheaded by Milwaukee-based Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. has determined that while women may have a better grasp of long-term care options than men, they are less inclined to actively prepare for a long-term care event.
Fitness center will serve people with disabilities
The Ability Center, a nonprofit organization, is raising funds in hopes of building a $53 million, 230,000-square-foot fitness, athletic and recreational facility in Milwaukee County for people with physical and cognitive disabilities.
Nursing homes brace for impact from fiscal cliff and Obamacare
As nursing homes and assisted living facilities throughout southeastern Wisconsin plan for the future of their services under the Obama administration's second term, many are focusing on the potential impacts of the fiscal cliff and the implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Lubetkin will emcee Health Care Heroes Breakfast
WISN-Channel 12 news anchor and reporter Abe Lubetkin will be the emcee of the BizTimes Health Care Heroes Awards Brekafast, which will salute people and organizations who are making a positive difference on the front lines of health care.
Wisconsin employers earn Well Workplace Awards
The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA), with its local affiliate, the Wellness Council of Wisconsin, recently presented 11 additional recipients of the Well Workplace Award in Wisconsin for 2012.
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Help BizTimes salute first responders to shootings
The public is invited to help BizTimes Media salute the first responders to the mass shootings in Oak Creek and Brookfield by attending the 2012 Health Care Heroes Awards Breakfast.
Walker defers health exchange formation to federal government
As expected, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker announced today that he will not attempt to create a state health care insurance exchange for Wisconsin residents and will instead defer that chore to the federal government.
Walker hints that he won’t form state insurance exchange
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is indicating he will not attempt to create a state health care insurance exchange for Wisconsin residents and will instead delegate that chore to the federal government.
Obama administration extends deadline for state health exchange plans
The Obama administration is extending its deadline for states to submit blueprints for health care insurance exchanges from Friday, Nov. 16, to Friday, Dec. 14.