Make sure your ‘facts’ are true
Impressionist artists were excluded from top official exhibitions because their "fuzzy paintings" did not fit the mold (i.e., set...
Federal R&D spending is in jeopardy
The federal Small Business Innovation Research conference is coming to Wisconsin in April. Don't be shocked if it's one...
Chaos continues in Madison
Is it a law or isn't it a law? The chaos continues in Madison today after Dane County Circuit...
The one opinion piece The New York Times didn’t want you to read’
Editor's note: In the weeks since Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker introduced his reforms to balance the budget and revoke...
Save the Wisconsin Arts Board
As your citizen representatives to Wisconsin's state arts agency, and as business owners, employers, and employees in the non-profit...
Republicans want to open UW professor’s e-mails
A prominent Wisconsin Republican operative is seeking legal permission to search through selected e-mails of a University of Wisconsin...
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Free-market health care does not work
Why are health care costs skyrocketing? Because they CAN! Thank our unregulated free-market system…that exists in no other country....
Are synergies enhancing your business model or fooling your leaders?
The brand premium Johnson & Johnson (J&J) historically earned for Tylenol and its other leading brands will undoubtedly shrink...
Voters will decide fate of Walker’s bill on April 5
The legal drama playing out in Madison over the future of collective bargaining rights for public employees in Wisconsin...
The story of us’ and them’
No matter where you stand in Wisconsin's political civil war, you no doubt have run into some of those...