
The specialists

In my previous column, we got inside the heads of the entrepreneurial generalists. Now, let's find out what makes the specialists tick.

Boulders, rocks and pebbles

Question: We are in the middle of a reorganizing effort. As the VP of human resources, I'm very involved...

The gender gap is still too wide

Women. Women in board rooms. Women in C suites. Women in public office. Women as partners in law firms. Women as university presidents. Women as officers in the military. Women ministers, priests and rabbis …

County budget needs immediate repairs

Every local government in Wisconsin is forced to make difficult budget decisions this time of year.  While recent debate...

Gubernatorial candidates’ responses to MMAC survey are revealing

The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) this week released the results of a survey it conducted with the...

Democracy at work

By the time you're reading this, my Dutchman Jan Gorissen and I will be newly married. As general counsel for a couple of large corporations – one Dutch and one American, Jan worked closely with many business organizations all over the world.

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The multigenerational workforce

Where we work, how we work, the skills we need to stay employed and the technologies we use to connect with team members and customers have changed dramatically. Social networking has replaced TV advertising, and YouTube has surpassed the Library of Congress as the largest library in the world.

Do you really want it?

I was in Vancouver recently working with Kris, the regional vice president of sales for the eastern region for a client company. Kris and I met for the better part of a day to work on integrating a qualification process into her team's everyday thinking and language. In short, the qualification process has two basic buckets: potential value (if we win), and winnability.


Vistage/TEC speaker Larry King has gone down in management lore as one of the most knowledgeable experts on the subject of characteristics of great CEOs.

The entrepreneurial brain

Did you ever wonder why some business people are successful and others are not, and yet they both call themselves entrepreneurs?

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