Adaptive Micro Systems enters receivership and will be brought to market
Adaptive Micro Systems, a designer and manufacturer of electronic signage, LED displays and related control systems, has entered Wisconsin...
Thursday WIN event will discuss new state VC initiative
On Thursday, WIN-Milwaukee will hold a panel discussion on the proposed state legislation to bolster venture capital investments in...
Cut down your company’s fuel costs
A recent survey conducted by Automotive Fleet magazine found that 99 percent of respondents are concerned with fuel prices...
Bo Black plans return visit to Summerfest
Bo Black, who left as executive director of Summerfest in 2003, plans to return to the Milwaukee festival she...
PETA is a chuck roast short of common sense
Not only am I strongly, strongly opposed to what PETA plans to do on Canal Street outside the Cargill...
Employers will have a decision to make with conceal and carry
In my magazine column last week and my blog earlier this week, I issued a "heads up" that the...
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Wisconsin is America’s political Petri dish
If it seems like today's national political discourse either bubbles up through Wisconsin or emanates directly from Wisconsin lately,...
School districts hang in limbo
The topic of my speech was the continued value of local education in building Wisconsin's "knowledge economy," and the...
The law firm Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek will present the seminar "Succession Planning for the Closely Held Business:...