Government & Politics
$10 million deal makes Potawatomi the streetcar’s presenting sponsor
Service, called ‘The Hop,’ to begin in fall 2018 with free rides [PHOTO GALLERY].
Mount Pleasant, Racine County to invest $764 million to support Foxconn project
Project costs covered in 25 years, according to village plan.
Republicans want to roll back wetland regulations across state
Legislators say change would spur more economic development.
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Milwaukee Biz Blog: Investor tax credit cap needs to be raised
One of Wisconsin’s most effective business growth tools ready for update.
Milwaukee Biz Blog: Mayor Tom Barrett’s budget address
Wants state to let voters weigh in on sales tax for public safety needs.
Airport’s new international concourse would move ahead in Abele’s budget
County exec proposes $25 million for project in 2018.