Education & Workforce Development
Employee rewards are nice and all, but…
The title of a new book immediately caught my eye: “1501 Ways To Reward Employees.”
The subtitles state, “Low-Cost and No-Cost Ideas. Best Practices. Latest Trends. Proven Strategies. Ways to Motivate the Millennial Generation.”
The subtitles state, “Low-Cost and No-Cost Ideas. Best Practices. Latest Trends. Proven Strategies. Ways to Motivate the Millennial Generation.”
Stop boring sales staff meetings
There is one sacred activity that every sales staff member holds near and dear to his or her heart. Though every company's sales department might carry out this tradition a little differently, it remains true to its core function.
Job fair to address manufacturing gap
The School District of New Berlin, City of New Berlin, Chamber of Commerce and local businesses will host Moving New Berlin Forward on Wednesday, May 23, at New Berlin High School.
Briggs to cut salaried workforce by 10%
Briggs & Stratton Co. plans to reduce its salaried workforce by about 10 percent this year and shift some of its small engine production from Auburn, Ala., to China or elsewhere in Southeast Asia.
Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World
Finding a creative workforce to drive innovation is a top priority for employers. With a register of innovative workers, businesses can bring new products, services and jobs to the global economy.
Ryan budget would hurt the elderly and the sick
Editor's note: The following letter was written to Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan by more than a dozen Georgetown University Jesuit priests, numerous members of the Theology and other departments including History, Government, Philosophy, School of Foreign Service and School of Nursing & Health Studies. The letter was written in response to an appearance by Ryan at the university to discuss his federal budget proposal. The letter followed a series of letters by dozens of Catholic bishops expressing concerns that the proposed GOP budget contradicted Christian principles of compassion.
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Applying our enduring truths to our defining challenge
(Editor's note: This blog first appeared in the National Catholic Register.)
The Catholic Church offers a rich overview of its thought, summarized in the Compendium of Social Doctrine, to guide Catholics in bringing truth to society's problems. In his introduction, Cardinal Renato Martino, then president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, wrote, “This area belongs in a particular way” to those lay faithful who are active “in the social sector.”
The Catholic Church offers a rich overview of its thought, summarized in the Compendium of Social Doctrine, to guide Catholics in bringing truth to society's problems. In his introduction, Cardinal Renato Martino, then president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, wrote, “This area belongs in a particular way” to those lay faithful who are active “in the social sector.”
Wisconsin jobs data mixed for March
Wisconsin lost 4,300 private sector jobs in March, even though the state's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate dipped slightly to 6.8 percent from 6.9 percent in February, according to the latest U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released today by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD).
MMAC economic gauge improves
Economic indicators for metro Milwaukee rebounded in February from a weak January performance, according to the latest monthly report by the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC).
Employers should not ask for Facebook passwords
As social media and its effects permeate the workplace, one recent phenomenon is continuing to attract attention: employers asking job applicants and existing employees for their social media passwords in order to delve into their personal backgrounds.