Economic Development
Assembly leaders say Foxconn could bring 10,000 jobs to Wisconsin
Might be difficult for state's workforce to support.
State, Wangard pitch $75 million crime lab plan in Wauwatosa
Construction could begin in spring 2018.
Racine hotel and event center will cost approximately $55 million
Common Council won't vote on final funding plan until the end of the year.
“Bowling Alone”
“Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community”
By Robert Putnam
Robert Putnam’s 2000 book, “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and...
UWM upgrade would boost state’s economy
Wisconsin’s economy is providing an interesting combination of positive and negative news.
The good news is the state’s unemployment rate...
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Milwaukee receives grant to increase diversity of vendors
City Accelerator program awards $100,000 and assistance
New data shows Milwaukee County aging, losing younger residents
Millennial population down by nearly 3,000 from 2015 to 2016
Plans for Racine’s hotel and event center continue to move forward
Project architect unveils renderings for the first time.
Will Trump impose quotas on imports?
Detrimental changes in duty rates, absolute quotas and the curtailing benefits under various free trade agreements loom overhead as Trump’s investigations into national security of imports takes place.