Bubbler Executive of the Week

Peter Gohsman, president of Zigman Joseph Stephenson in Milwaukee

Name: Peter Gohsman
Zigman Joseph Stephenson
Company address:
309 North Water Street Suite 315 Milwaukee, WI, 53202
Company web site:
Public relations
Wife, Kim; son, Peter; daughter, Kathleen; daughter and son-in-law, Colleen & Joseph Mitchell.

Hobbies and Interests: Almost anything outdoors – Wisconsin is such a great state for outdoor activities, and it’s hard to find the time to do the things I enjoy – fishing, hunting, cross country skiing, scuba, golf, motorcycling,

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Favorite books: Nonfiction history

Favorite movie: "Tombstone"

Favorite musician/band: Bruce Springsteen/Warren Zevon

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Favorite place to visit/vacation: Hawaii

Favorite local restaurant: Too many to mention, plus my son is a chef, so it’s really not a fair competition.

Words to live by: Don’t take yourself too seriously.

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What is your core philosophy for doing business? "I try to do business the same way I try to live. Set goals. Follow the basic steps. Be open to change. If you fall, get up. Listen. Keep your word. Be kind. Pretty simple really, but great things can arise from simplicity."

Who is your role model and why? "Those men and women on the second climb. Sometimes a first success comes easily and is under-appreciated. Life inevitably involves ups and downs. That second climb, often more difficult than the first, is where character is revealed. Those men and women I’ve had the opportunity to meet while on their second climb seem to understand what is really important in life and what is merely window dressing. Thanks to JMF."

What was the funniest thing that ever happened to you? "I once parked my truck in a no swimming zone. I have pictures."

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