Bubbler Co-Executives of the Week

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Jim and Tom Palzewicz of ActionCOACH of Elm Grove

Name:  Jim Palzewicz, CEO/Coach & Tom Palzewicz, CFO/Coach

Company: ActionCOACH of Elm Grove

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Company address: 13150 Watertown Plank Road, Suite 200, Elm Grove

Company web site: www.actioncoach.com/jimpalzewicz or /tompalzewicz

Industry: Business coaching/executive coaching

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Education: Jim: BBA, UW-Milwaukee  Tom: BBA, UW-Milwaukee

Wife, Anne; daughters Emily-26, Maggie-25 & Frances-21 and sons Alex-23, Harry-20

Tom:  Wife, Terri Demos, daughter Maddie-12, sons Max-18 and Erik-16

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Hobbies and Interests: 

Jim: Family time, fishing, hunting, golf, disc golf, reading, watching sports.

Tom: Reading, basketball, politics.

Favorite book and/or movie: 

Jim:  Book – Steven Sayler’s “Historical Mysteries About Ancient Rome”  Movie – It’s a Wonderful Life

Tom:  Book – “A New Earth” by Ekhart Tolle.  Movie – It’s a Wonderful Life

Favorite musician/band

Jim: “Lindsey Buckingham and Fleetwood Mac – best guitarist ever!”

Tom: Beatles

Favorite place to visit/vacation: 

Jim: “Maine with Anne. My cabin in the UP.”

Tom: “New places. I love to travel.”

Favorite local restaurant:

Jim: “Alpine Village – great food; I love the atmosphere.”

Tom: “Mitchell’s Fish Market – appetizers at the bar.”

Words to live by:

Jim: “Keep doing what you are doing, and believe in yourself and believe in God.”

Tom: “I am comfortable being uncomfortable. Embrace change. Continue to grow.”

What is your core philosophy for doing business? 

Jim: “My purpose is to be the best me I can be, to serve God and others. Everything else takes care of itself.”

Tom: “Asking the right questions at the right time to help people address their own blind spots.”

Who is your role model and why? 

Jim: “I have many! Every business owner I meet who is passionately pursuing their dream inspires me.”

Tom: “Abraham Lincoln. His egoless self allowed the best in others to shine.”

What was the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
“My wife and I went to the Packers-Patriots game in Boston the year after the Packers beat them in the Super Bowl. We stayed at the Packers’ hotel, and I had on my #4 jersey in the lobby. A group of Japanese tourists thought I was Brett Favre, while the locals got a good laugh!”

Tom:  “When I worked at M&I Bank, a treasurer, the portfolio manager and I were leaving Madison to come back to Milwaukee after a presentation. We didn’t notice we missed the turn to Milwaukee and headed north. We were just south of Mauston when, from the back seat, I said “those idiot DOT people, they put the “Mississippi River 150 Miles” sign on the wrong side of the road. We laughed and laughed until, in the silence, we realized maybe the sign was correct and we were wrong. We filled up the gas tank in Mauston and headed back to Milwaukee vowing never to tell this story to anyone. Sorry guys!”

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