Scott Seroka
Scott Seroka, the president of Brookfield-based Seroka Industrial Branding, is an entrepreneur, consultant, trainer, and mentor. He can be reached at (414) 628-4547.
Lukewarm sales?
When a company consistently falls short of its sales goals, the natural response is to look to the sales...
The biggest marketing mistakes
The misspelling of a URL in a PPC campaign. A brochure printed on a $99 printer sloppily folded and...
Culture killers
It was a typical day in the neighborhood at a small community bank.
That is, until a 2016 Jeep Wrangler...
The backbone of business
Email is not, and never was meant to be, a project management tool. Yet so many companies cling to...
How companies set their marketing up to fail
What is the sole purpose of marketing? Some would say it’s to improve brand awareness. Others would say its...
Ways marketers harm their brands
Every company must be a marketing company to compete, succeed and grow. There’s no way around it.
Most companies that...
Rebuild your image
One day, Anthony learned that his company had its most profitable quarter since he took on the role of...