John Torinus
John Torinus is the chairman of Serigraph Inc. in West Bend. He is involved with several business and civic organizations and is the author of “The Company That Solved Health Care.”
Turn the UW chancellors loose to manage benefits
The faculty at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (UWM) has received no general raises over the last five years, so it has become a target for poaching. The campus has lost 40 faculty members recently to competing institutions.
Does Ryan really want employers out of health care?
Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan should be careful what he asks for when it comes to taking employers in the private sector out of managing health care.
Much at stake in Tammy vs. Tommy debate
The Tammy-Tommy show in Wisconsin for the right to be the “51st U.S. senator” promises to be as defining as the Obama-Biden vs. Romney-Ryan run for the presidency. Both will be hard core fights about the ways and means of paying for different levels of federal government.
Chicago can’t be Milwaukee’s savior
Some big thinkers, looking for big answers for the troubles afflicting the Milwaukee economy, keep looking south to Chicago.
GOP Senate foursome more alike than different
It's hard for Wisconsin business people to tell the differences between the four candidates to become the 51st GOP senator this fall, because they agreed on so many issues, mainly that the United States is on a course for financial disaster.
Free lunch is always expensive
I was interacting in Onalaska with two dozen small business leaders when the news came down Thursday morning that the U.S. Supreme Court had upheld Obamacare. The reaction was uncertainty about what to do in their companies.
Congress pushes closer to tax cliff
If Congress stays as cocked up as it been in the recent past, high earners in states like Wisconsin and Minnesota could achieve the dubious distinction of paying more than half of their incomes to state and federal government in 2013.
Why are controversial jobs numbers so moldy?
Jim Spaeth, one of Serigraph's accountants, brought our quarterly report for unemployment insurance (UI) to my office Monday, and he showed me he had filed our first quarter report with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) on April 26, four days before the end-of-month deadline of April 30.
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Busted recall process could be fixed
A deep and obvious fault line in Wisconsin governance has hit the state between the eyes as the recall process unfolds.
Medicaid managers are like deer in headlights
To put it in Heartland terms, state Medicaid managers are like deer in the headlights. The costs keep escalating beyond any ideas they have about control and management of the fiscal disaster that the program represents.
‘True North’ lost in taxation politics
At least the Democrats are consistent. President Obama is targeting the one per cent of the nation's taxpayers in his campaign for a second term, and as of last week the party's contenders for Wisconsin governor in the June 5 recall election are sounding the same theme of making the rich pay more.
UWM leads reinvention parade
Flash back six years ago: The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee had almost no commercial intellectual property; then-Chancellor Carlos Santiago often lamented that there had been no construction cranes over his campus for decades; and academic R&D was at a low level.