Titus Talent Strategies

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Industry: Service
Founded: 2015
Projected 2019 Revenue: $11 million

Titus Talent Strategies is a recruiting firm and Predictive Index certified partner. It strives to identify, attract, hire, measure and guarantee high-quality performance from the people it hires. To assess its growth, Titus Talent Strategies looks beyond simply the revenue and profits and examines “client retention, number of new partners and market shares within our existing partners and lastly, but very importantly, the impact of our generous giving; The Titus Catalyst Fund,” said chief executive officer Jonathan Reynolds.

Reynolds says Titus Talent Strategies’ biggest challenge is “retaining our employees and continuing to hire outstanding people who are passionate about our vision, mission and values.” However, despite this obstacle, employee-owned Titus Talent Strategies recently hired two key employees, which Reynolds said, “further demonstrates our commitment to put employees first.”

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Looking forward, Reynolds wants Titus Talent Strategies to push itself to grow 20% year-over-year. Additionally, Titus Talent Strategies is hoping to continue expanding into new geographic regions, industries and service lines. Reynolds believes his company is able to meet these goals because “change and growth is part of our DNA at Titus!”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”

– Albert Einstein

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