Bravo! Entrepreneur Award winner: Neil Karolek

Bravo! Entrepreneur Award winners

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Neil Karolek

President, TLX Technologies LLC
Employees: 48

In 1996, Neil Karolek and his team started TLX Technologies with the goal of bringing several new, high-speed digital valves to market for the automotive industry.

The advanced development was designed to keep children from being injured in the event of airbag deployment in a vehicle collision.

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The company utilizes proportional, high speed, high temperature and latching technologies to custom design electromagnetic solenoid products to meet customers’ specific needs.

Since the initial application, TLX has grown and adapted the technology for additional applications in the automotive and power sport industries, including safety, fuel efficiency, fire protection and high-volume industrial applications.

TLX has been named to the Inc. 5000 list three times, and in 2015 opened a wholly-owned subsidiary in Changshu, China that manufactures and services automotive and industrial markets in Asia.

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The company also recently finished $1 million in equipment upgrades for its Pewaukee facility, which has been approved for full-scale production of a solenoid valve component for an additional Tier 1 automotive supplier.

Karolek currently employs approximately 48 people, and remains focused on creating a company culture that emphasizes community and work-life balance.

TLX is dedicated to providing a safe work environment; fosters employee participation and teamwork; and strives to provide employees with the tools, training and support needed to achieve success.

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Karolek also is a regular supporter of the national effort to promote jobs in manufacturing and hosts approximately 300 students each year for Manufacturing Day.

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