Women from Russia experience Milwaukee

A group of Russian women have spent the entire week in the Milwaukee area learning about women in business and women in the U.S. culture. The group was part of the U.S. Library of Congress Open World program.

“In Russia, participants in the program are allowed to nominate another delegate in the same field,” said Yuliya Aleksandrovna Kudryashova, a facilitator who traveled with the group of women. “The program will call the candidate and offer them the chance to participate in the program. After a review of all the applications, delegates are chosen based on extensive professional experience in the field, a very deep social involvement, charity work and nonprofit work, as well as leadership potential. Candidates are expected to have goals and inspirations in mind for their future.”

The theme for this particular Open World trip was Women In Leadership in non-government organizations.

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The 10 women traveled with two Russian facilitators and were assisted by both a national and local interpreter throughout their trip. Open World partnered with the local chapter of the Friendship Force Club, which houses the delegates for their stay.

“The program used to put the delegates from other countries up in a hotel,” Bob Blazich, Frienship Force coordinator said. “Now with the help of a few other organizations, we can provide home hosting for them, which adds much more to the experience.”

According to Blazich, the women are here to work and learn more about the “American way.”

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“They have a pretty busy schedule while they are here and will be traveling and visiting many places to get the full experience,” he said.

The group’s itinerary has them visiting with the Greater Milwaukee Committee, the Milwaukee Rotary Club, the Women’s Center in Waukesha, MCFI, Tempo International and the YWCA. Along the way, they’ll meet some of Wisconsin’s most dynamic women, including Maria Monreal Cameron, Barbara Lawton, Carla Rutley, Julia Taylor and Christy Garcia Thomas of UPAF.

The delegates consisted of women in financial service careers, marketing, public relations, nonprofit organizations and media. They will return home on Sunday, Dec. 13.

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Pictured: Delegates from Russia and members of Tempo International held a panel discussion regarding women in leadership roles in the United States and Russia earlier this week.

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