WISN-TV Channel 12

WISN-TV Channel 12
759 N. 19th St., Milwaukee

Milwaukee-based WISN-TV Channel 12 is committed to serving the Milwaukee community, both as a source for news and as a philanthropic supporter.

In 2013, WISN 12 donated 36 hours of airtime to phone bank fundraisers for a variety of different causes. This year, the station has already committed to 16 hours supporting two main causes in the community: the Class Act School Supply Drive and Hunger Task Force.

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According to Jan Wade, general manager of WISN-TV, the station remains committed to providing support for local nonprofits through high-profile in-kind support; it’s a goal supported by all WISN 12 employees, she said.

The school supply drive, held annually, supports the Salvation Army of Milwaukee County and Milwaukee Public Schools. Over the span of 12 hours, all leading WISN 12 news anchors, as well as notable educators and celebrities, commit to raising donations from the community. In 2014, the phone bank raised almost $60,000 to purchase backpacks filled with supplies for local students. This year more than 1,400 students benefited from the drive.

WISN 12 also hosts an annual Food For Families food drive for Hunger Task Force. Each year on the Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving, WISN 12 anchors, members of the Hunger Task Force team and local celebrities reach out to members of the Milwaukee community to raise money for those in need.

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In 2013, the phone bank raised approximately $110,000 which allowed Hunger Task Force to purchase additional under-donated items to stock food pantries in the community.

The station also regularly hosts phone banks to support areas devastated by natural disasters. In 2013, The Red Cross was the recipient of nearly $90,000 raised by a WISN 12 phone bank for the relief efforts to help those in Moore, Okla. after the area was devastated by tornadoes.

WISN 12 employees volunteer countless hours toward these efforts valued at more than $600,000 dollars annually.

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